Print the credentials that would be used from the hierarchy of credential
sources that ndfc-python
scripts traverse.
Credentials hierarchy and precedence¶
For details around ndfc-python
's credentials hierarchy and precedence, and
the credential names used, see Credentials.
Example Usage¶
Mix of credential sources¶
environment variable is set, so its value
is used unless overridden by the command line. In this case, we can
omit --nxos-username
from the command line.
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793% export NXOS_USERNAME=admin
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793% ./ \
--nd-domain local \
--nd-ip4 \
--nd-password foo \
--nd-username admin \
--nxos-password bar
The following credentials would be used:
nd_domain local
nd_password foo
nd_username admin
nxos_password bar
nxos_username admin
Overriding a lower precedence credential¶
Below, we override the NXOS_USERNAME
environment variable with its
corresponding (higher precedence) command line argument:
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793% export NXOS_USERNAME=admin
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793% ./ \
--nd-domain local \
--nd-ip4 \
--nd-password foo \
--nd-username admin \
--nxos-password bar \
--nxos-username beeblebrox
The following credentials would be used:
nd_domain local
nd_password foo
nd_username admin
nxos_password bar
nxos_username beeblebrox
Below, we unset NXOS_USERNAME
and point to an Ansible Vault file
which contains all of the credentials that ndfc-python
knows about.
The Ansible vault file is the lowest precedence source of credentials
but, since we haven't specified any command-line credentials, and no
environment variables are set, the Ansible Vault file is used.
Notice that the script asks for the Ansible Vault password to that it can read the vault.
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793% unset NXOS_USERNAME
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793% ./ --ansible-vault $HOME/.ansible/vault
Vault password:
The following credentials would be used:
nd_domain local
nd_password FooPassword
nd_username admin
nxos_password BarPassword
nxos_username admin
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793%
Failure - Ansible Vault missing expected content¶
Below, we are pointing --ansible-vault
at a file that does not contain the expected
credential names.
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793% ./ --ansible-vault $HOME/.ansible/vault
Vault password:
CredentialsAnsibleVault.commit: Exiting. ansible_vault is missing key nd_password. vault file: /Users/arobel/.ansible/vault
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793%
Failure - Ansible Vault file is missing¶
Below, we are pointing --ansible-vault
at a file that does not exist.
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793% ./ --ansible-vault /tmp/no_files_here
Vault password:
CredentialsAnsibleVault.commit: Exiting. Unable to load credentials in /tmp/no_files_here. Exception detail: Unable to retrieve file contents
Could not find or access '/tmp/no_files_here' on the Ansible Controller.
If you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option
(.venv) AROBEL-M-G793%